New Jersey Webinar Focuses on Impacts of Extreme Heat in EJ Communities

  • New Jersey’s Interagency Council on Climate Resilience is seeking public input on addressing extreme heat in the state.
  • The Council is developing a series of Resilience Action Plans outlining how state agencies will incorporate climate resilience into their policies, programs and regulations.
  • The first Resilience Action Plan will focus on addressing increasing extreme heat events caused by climate change.
  • The public is being encouraged to provide feedback on extreme heat priorities and concerns through March 17, 2023.
  • The Resilience Action Plan will pay special attention to communities most affected by climate change, and will align with and expand on the priorities laid out in the Statewide Climate Change Resilience Strategy released in 2021.

By NJDEP | January 25, 2023

New Jersey’s Interagency Council on Climate Resilience is seeking public input on how the state should address extreme heat priorities and concerns as part of the Interagency Council’s development of a series of plans outlining how state agencies will incorporate climate resilience into their policies, programs and regulations.

The series of documents, known as Resilience Action Plans, will build on the Statewide Climate Change Resilience Strategy released in 2021 and provide more detail on how the strategy’s recommendations are being implemented. The first Resilience Action Plan, to be released later this year, will focus on state agency efforts to address increasing extreme heat events resulting from climate change, such as those experienced during the summer of 2022…

Public involvement will be an important next step in the process. The Interagency Council is seeking public feedback through Friday, March 17 on extreme heat priorities and concerns, as well as a scoping document that addresses the Resilience Action Plan’s purpose, development process and content. The Resilience Action Plan initiative and the scoping document will be presented at a webinar on Thursday, Feb. 9, with a second webinar on Thursday, March 2 seeking public input on potential extreme heat issues. Details on the webinars, including links to join and applicable documents, are at

Read more from the NJ Department of Environmental Protection.