Baltimore Residents Protest President Biden’s Announcement to Rebuild Old Potomac Tunnel, Cite Environmental Justice and Health Concerns

  • EJ activists protested against the Baltimore and Potomac Tunnel construction project citing environmental justice concerns.

  • Protesters believe that the construction of the tunnel would damage houses built in the 1900s in Reservoir Hill and other west Baltimore neighborhoods.

  • Protesters support progress and trains, but they want to ensure environmental justice, safety, and community interests are also considered.

  • Protesters are worried about the impact of the tunnel construction on Reservoir Hill, Sandtown-Winchester, and the Edmondson Avenue corridor neighborhoods, and believe that community consultation is essential for projects that affect communities.

By WBALTV | January 30, 2023

Not everyone is excited about President Joe Biden’s announcement made Monday in Baltimore.

As the president’s motorcade traveled across the Howard Street Bridge, members of the group Residents Against the Tunnels were not far away on North Avenue with signs protesting the massive Baltimore and Potomac Tunnel construction project…

The protest moved from the tunnel area to nearby Penn Station for a rally. The homeowners and business owners said they support progress and trains, but they are also for environmental justice, safety and the community. They believe several west Baltimore neighborhoods are threatened and could be damaged by the construction of a new tunnel.

“We have several problems — certainly the environmental justice danger to humans, to safety, the danger to this fragile architecture that these people live in. A bus goes by and our houses shake. These massive tunnel-boring machines are really frightening, and they did not do an actual study — this architecture, this engineering, this process, this dirt,” said Laura Amlie, a protester.

Read more from WBALTV.