Hazardous Substances

Environmental Justice Advocates Applaud New York City Council Passing Legislation to Expedite the Phaseout of Fuel Oil No. 4 in Buildings

The New York City Council has passed legislation to accelerate the phaseout of Fuel Oil No.4 in buildings, which is a heavy, polluting oil used for heating. The legislation requires all buildings in the city to stop using Fuel Oil …

Environmental Justice Advocates Applaud New York City Council Passing Legislation to Expedite the Phaseout of Fuel Oil No. 4 in Buildings Read More »

An Oil Pipeline Project in Houston Is Raising Concerns Over Environmental Racism

A proposed pipeline project in Houston has sparked concerns about environmental justice as it would pass through predominantly low-income and minority communities. The”Bayou Bridge Pipeline” project is designed to transport crude oil from refineries along the Gulf Coast to a …

An Oil Pipeline Project in Houston Is Raising Concerns Over Environmental Racism Read More »

Alaskan Tribes and Environmental Justice Advocates Celebrate Victory as EPA Uses “Veto Power” to End the Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay

The proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska, which would be one of the world’s largest gold and copper mines, has been effectively vetoed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA concluded that the mine would have “unacceptable adverse effects” …

Alaskan Tribes and Environmental Justice Advocates Celebrate Victory as EPA Uses “Veto Power” to End the Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay Read More »

Environmental Justice Advocates Keep Pressure on New Massachusetts Governor Healey

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is ramping up her environmental focus, with a focus on climate change, toxic substances, and the environment. Environmental justice advocates are calling for more action from Healey, specifically around holding polluters accountable and investigating environmental …

Environmental Justice Advocates Keep Pressure on New Massachusetts Governor Healey Read More »

EJ Organizations and Activists Lobby New Mexico Governor Over Chemical Recycling Legislation

A coalition of environmental groups, public health advocates, and environmental justice community leaders in New Mexico have urged state lawmakers to reject a proposal to incentivize chemical recycling. The coalition argues that chemical recycling is a flawed approach to dealing …

EJ Organizations and Activists Lobby New Mexico Governor Over Chemical Recycling Legislation Read More »

EPA Announces Latest Actions to Protect Groundwater and EJ Communities from Coal Ash Contamination

EPA issues six proposed determinations to deny facilities’ requests to continue disposing of coal combustion residuals (CCR or coal ash) into unlined surface impoundments that could be impacting environmental justice communities. Coal ash contains contaminants like mercury, cadmium, chromium, and …

EPA Announces Latest Actions to Protect Groundwater and EJ Communities from Coal Ash Contamination Read More »

EPA Awards $30k to Texas Tech to Educate Migrant Farmworkers on Health Effects of Pesticide Use

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted $30,000 to Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso for the Farmworkers Pesticide Use Protection Project. The project aims to educate migrant farmworkers and their families about the health effects and …

EPA Awards $30k to Texas Tech to Educate Migrant Farmworkers on Health Effects of Pesticide Use Read More »

North Carolina Hog Farms Continue to Pose Health and Other Issues to Nearby Environmental Justice Communities

The eastern part of North Carolina has a large number of hog operations which leads to unpleasant odors and air and water pollution. The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) is representing residents who are pushing for protection from the hog …

North Carolina Hog Farms Continue to Pose Health and Other Issues to Nearby Environmental Justice Communities Read More »

Washington State Prioritizes Salmon Preservation from Toxic Chemicals, Key to Indigenous Communities

Tire dust contains toxic chemicals (6PPD-quinone) that pose a threat to salmon populations in Washington. When it rains, the tire dust is washed into nearby waterways, contaminating the water and the salmon’s habitat. Salmon play an important role in the …

Washington State Prioritizes Salmon Preservation from Toxic Chemicals, Key to Indigenous Communities Read More »