Laws & Regulations

EPA Announces Latest Actions to Protect Groundwater and EJ Communities from Coal Ash Contamination

EPA issues six proposed determinations to deny facilities’ requests to continue disposing of coal combustion residuals (CCR or coal ash) into unlined surface impoundments that could be impacting environmental justice communities. Coal ash contains contaminants like mercury, cadmium, chromium, and …

EPA Announces Latest Actions to Protect Groundwater and EJ Communities from Coal Ash Contamination Read More »

Minnesota Legislators Introduce Bill Requiring Creation of Climate Justice Education Program for Elementary and Middle Schools

Proposed law would require the State Commissioner of Education to provide a climate justice model program for elementary and secondary students. The program would be aligned with current scientific research and consistent with state standards. It would also be required …

Minnesota Legislators Introduce Bill Requiring Creation of Climate Justice Education Program for Elementary and Middle Schools Read More »

Wisconsin Governor Highlights Climate Plan and Environmental Justice in State of the State Address

Governor Evers delivered a State of the State address outlining major climate initiatives for Wisconsin, which included a goal to achieve 100% clean energy by 2050, the creation of a Climate Action Council and a focus on climate justice. The …

Wisconsin Governor Highlights Climate Plan and Environmental Justice in State of the State Address Read More »

Report: Voters Support Environmental Justice Movement and Federal Justice40 Initiative

Most voters are largely unaware of the federal Justice40 Initiative, but those who know about it generally support the program. Support for Justice40 is strong among Black and Latino respondents. One thing is clear: there is a growing national demand …

Report: Voters Support Environmental Justice Movement and Federal Justice40 Initiative Read More »

Environmental Activists File Federal Suit to Block Biden’s Approval of 6k Acres of Oil & Gas Leases in New Mexico, Claim Harm to Frontline Communities

Four conservation groups filed suit in federal court seeking injunctive relief against the U.S. Bureau of Land Management for the government’s authorization of 34 oil and gas leases covering 5,942 acres of land in New Mexico. The leases were sold …

Environmental Activists File Federal Suit to Block Biden’s Approval of 6k Acres of Oil & Gas Leases in New Mexico, Claim Harm to Frontline Communities Read More »

Harrison County Becomes Second Texas County to Approve Climate Action Plan, Advances Environmental Justice

Harrison County, which includes Houston, will work to cut climate emissions from government operations by 40% by 2030 from 2021 levels. County has made addressing environmental justice and climate justice a priority in the Climate Action Plan. Texas still does …

Harrison County Becomes Second Texas County to Approve Climate Action Plan, Advances Environmental Justice Read More »

Environmental Justice Considerations Featured in White House CEQ’s Updated NEPA Guidance on GHG Emissions

By: U.S. Council on Environmental Quality | January 9, 2023 The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) is issuing this interim guidance to assist agencies in analyzing greenhouse gas (GHG) and climate change effects of their proposed actions under the National …

Environmental Justice Considerations Featured in White House CEQ’s Updated NEPA Guidance on GHG Emissions Read More »