
North Carolina Hog Farms Continue to Pose Health and Other Issues to Nearby Environmental Justice Communities

The eastern part of North Carolina has a large number of hog operations which leads to unpleasant odors and air and water pollution. The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) is representing residents who are pushing for protection from the hog …

North Carolina Hog Farms Continue to Pose Health and Other Issues to Nearby Environmental Justice Communities Read More »

Washington State Prioritizes Salmon Preservation from Toxic Chemicals, Key to Indigenous Communities

Tire dust contains toxic chemicals (6PPD-quinone) that pose a threat to salmon populations in Washington. When it rains, the tire dust is washed into nearby waterways, contaminating the water and the salmon’s habitat. Salmon play an important role in the …

Washington State Prioritizes Salmon Preservation from Toxic Chemicals, Key to Indigenous Communities Read More »

Rural Community in Oregon Pleas with Senator Merkley and Governor Kotek For Help With Drinking Water Contamination

Residents are frustrated with Oregon’s inaction to addressing groundwater issues, which include elevated levels of nitrates well above the federal limit of 10 parts per million. Fertilizer runoff and wastewater from farms and industrial operations are to blame for nitrate …

Rural Community in Oregon Pleas with Senator Merkley and Governor Kotek For Help With Drinking Water Contamination Read More »

EJ Advocates Skeptical About Proposed Housing Development in Richmond to Sit Atop Contaminated Land

By: KQED | January 12, 2023 The new year is a make-or-break moment for a Richmond housing development atop a contaminated former waterfront site once owned by the global pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. Plans for developing as many as 4,000 units on the …

EJ Advocates Skeptical About Proposed Housing Development in Richmond to Sit Atop Contaminated Land Read More »

Environmental Justice Mapping Tools: Applications in the Waste Industry and EJ Advocates’ Concerns

EPA’s EJSCREEN mapping tool used by largest landfill operators in preparing sustainability and environmental justice reports. Environmental justice advocates indicate application of EJSCREEN by landfill operators may skew magnitude of air pollution issues near facilities. Posted By: Waste Dive | …

Environmental Justice Mapping Tools: Applications in the Waste Industry and EJ Advocates’ Concerns Read More »

Environmental Justice Grants: EPA Makes Available $40 Million for Tribes to Improve Recycling Infrastructure

The federal government is seeking grant applications for recycling projects that address environmental justice issues affecting Tribal and Indigenous populations. The $40 million in grants will fund 60 projects to create new recycling and composting capacity for Tribes. Applications for …

Environmental Justice Grants: EPA Makes Available $40 Million for Tribes to Improve Recycling Infrastructure Read More »

Sampson County EJ Activists Celebrate Environmental Wins to Close Out 2022, But Environmental Justice Issues Persist

By: North Carolina Health News | January 7, 2023 One gray cloud hanging over many Sampson County residents’ holidays was the prospect that in the coming year, soil contaminated with creosote and a toxic brew of other chemicals would be dumped …

Sampson County EJ Activists Celebrate Environmental Wins to Close Out 2022, But Environmental Justice Issues Persist Read More »

North Carolina County Board to Consider Environmental Justice Impacts of Continuing Landfill Operations Near Underserved Community

The Cumberland County Board of Commissioners has to decide what to do with about the future of the  landfill. The community near the landfill is an underserved, so there are environmental justice concerns if the landfill were to close or …

North Carolina County Board to Consider Environmental Justice Impacts of Continuing Landfill Operations Near Underserved Community Read More »