Climate Change Affects People of Color the Most. But TV News Lacks Representation, Report Finds.

  • A study has found that TV news coverage of climate change lacks people of color as guests in climate segments, a new analysis found, despite communities of color bearing the most impact from climate change.
  • The analysis also found a lack of segments discussing climate justice, which refers to climate change’s disproportionate impact on diverse and low-income communities.
  • The decline in coverage is attributed to factors such as the rise of partisan media, the perception that climate change is a politicized issue, and a lack of newsroom resources.
  • The study also found that coverage of climate change is often framed in a way that fails to convey the urgency and severity of the issue, with a focus on isolated events rather than the larger picture.
  • Experts warn that the decline in coverage could have serious consequences for public understanding of climate change and the political will to address it.

By USA TODAY | March 10, 2023

Television news lacks people of color as guests in climate segments, a new analysis found, despite communities of color bearing the most impact from climate change.

Media Matters, a nonprofit media watchdog organization, released its annual analysis on Feb. 28 on how broadcast news organizations covered climate change last year.

While climate change coverage on television news increased for a second consecutive year, it accounted for just 1% of corporate broadcast segments in 2022, according to the study, which analyzed climate coverage from ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox…

The analysis also found a lack of segments discussing climate justice, which refers to climate change’s disproportionate impact on front-line communities, as well as their lack of contribution to factors that drive a warming climate, such as fossil fuels.

Read more from USA TODAY.