Environmental Justice Advocates Protests Against Truck Depot Opening in Harlem

  • A protest broke out in Central Harlem against the state opening a truck depot. 
  • EJ advocates claim creating a mixed-income apartment site will have a negative impact on the environmental justice community.
  • Both parties are currently at a stalemate.

By: CBS New York | January 9, 2023

Some Central Harlem community members are still hoping to stop a truck depot from opening on West 145th Street.

The developer wanted to rezone the site for mixed-income apartments, but faced pushback. Now, his current plan could still be in jeopardy.

Developer Bruce Teitelbaum went from proposing a green energy district to perpetuating pollution through extra exhaust.

“We should never have to choose between being displaced by a developer or being poisoned by the developer,” said Pamela Stewart-Martinez from the group WE ACT for Environmental Justice…

“What we’re doing in our efforts to shut it down is saying there should be no state licensing for an environmentally hazardous business in this environmentally protected area,” she said.

Read more from CBS New York.