NYSDEC Issues $900k In Grants For Enhancing EJ Community Air Monitoring Programs

By: NYSDEC | December 27, 2022

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced that almost $900,000 in Environmental Justice Community Air Monitoring Capacity Building grants have been awarded to nine community organizations. The grant money will be used to support projects intended to develop or strengthen existing air monitoring programs. These programs are focused on reducing harmful air pollutants in environmental justice or disadvantaged communities.

In a press release issued by the DEC, Commissioner Basil Seggos notes –

“These capacity building grants will bolster the ongoing work of the State’s Community Air Monitoring Initiative, underway now in 10 disadvantaged communities across New York State…DEC will continue to address climate change under our nation-leading Climate Act by providing support and resources for community-led initiatives to develop solutions, working hand-in-hand with our partners in communities to reduce pollution and improve quality of life for New Yorkers.”

The nine recipient EJ organizations are geographically diverse, representing New York’s Capital District, Hudson Valley, New York City Metro Area, and Western New York:

  • Media Alliance, Inc., $100,000 for “Capital Region Air Justice Lab”
  • Radix Ecological Sustainability Center, $100,000 for “Atmojustice: Youth-Engaged Air Quality Monitoring in Environmental Justice Communities”
  • Groundwork Hudson Valley, $100,000 for “SW Yonkers Air Quality (AQ) Education Campaign and Planning Project”
  • Neighbors Allied for Good Growth, $100,000 for “Breathe North Brooklyn”
  • Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Inc., $100,000 for “Climate Justice and Air Quality Capacity Building and Community Education Project”
  • West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc. (a/k/a WE ACT for Environmental Justice) fiscal sponsor for South Bronx Unite, $100,000 for “South Bronx Unite Seeking Breathable Air in Asthma Alley: Data Mapping and Community Education”
  • Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice, Inc. (YPMJ), $100,000 for “YMPJ Cross Bronx Expressway Air Quality Monitoring”
  • BRRAlliance, Inc., $99,200 for “Black Rock and Riverside Citizen Scientist Education and Air Quality Monitoring for the Home and Community”
  • Clean Air Coalition of Western New York, $99,165 for “Breathing Free: A People’s Project for Clean Air”

The grants will bolster New York’s existing air monitoring program. The grants were also awarded under the New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), significant greenhouse gas reductions by 2050 from 1990 levels.

Click here to review the NYSDEC’s press release.

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