Seattle Awards $750,000 In Grants To Advance 13 EJ Projects

  • The Environmental Justice Fund is a city-funded initiative that supports community-led projects aimed at addressing environmental and climate justice issues in Seattle.

  • The grants awarded will support a diverse range of projects, including community-based renewable energy initiatives, food justice programs, and urban forestry projects.

  • The recipients of the grants are community organizations that represent and serve communities of color, low-income communities, and indigenous communities.

  • The Environmental Justice Fund prioritizes projects that are community-led and center the voices and leadership of those most affected by environmental and climate injustices.

  • The Fund is an important tool for advancing Seattle’s goal of becoming a more equitable, sustainable, and climate-resilient city.

By Greenspace Blog | January 31, 2023

The City of Seattle’s Office of Sustainability & Environment (OSE) is pleased to announce $750,000 will be awarded through the Environmental Justice Fund (EJ Fund) to 13 community-led projects designed to benefit those most impacted by environmental and climate inequities, including Black, Indigenous, People of Color, immigrants, refugees, people with low incomes, youth, and elders…

The Environmental Justice Fund was developed in 2017 as part of the City’s Equity & Environment agenda to provide grants to community-led projects that improve environmental conditions, respond to impacts of climate change and get us closer to achieving environmental justice. Since its launch, the EJ Fund has awarded four grant cycles totaling over $1.8 Million to 28 community-based organizations, whose projects are led by or are in partnership with communities of color impacted by environmental injustices.

Read more from Greenspace Blog.