Senator Schumer: Proposed “Yonkers Greenway” Can Address Redlining and EJ Concerns

  • Local officials are seeking $5.5 million (of $14 million) to convert historical 3.1-mile train lines into a greenway.
  • The park will feature walking and biking paths, recreational areas, and green spaces.
  • The project is seen as a way to promote recreation, improve the local environment, and boost economic development in the area.
  • Greenway project likely would not be completed until 2026.

By: lohud | January 20, 2023

Old railways that once ran through Southwest Yonkers could be some of the first U.S. paths to address historic redlining and environmental racism under the federal infrastructure law…

Now, Schumer and other officials hope about $5.5 million from the $1.5 trillion federal infrastructure law can help transform the old lines into a 3.1-mile greenway. In doing so, they hope to provide park space and transit accessibility for an area where subway lines and the expansive Van Cortlandt Park are just a bit too far out of reach for most residents…

And with rising global temperatures, the greenway could help cool neighborhoods, often Black and Latino, that swelter more than other areas of the city in the summer.

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